$TOSHE: The Queen of Base!

Meet Toshe - the Queen of Base. With her unmatched strength and nine lives, Toshe is unstoppable. She's been reigning supreme since 2023, and she's here to stay.


100% Secure

100% of the initial liquidity pool of the TOSHE token is locked. TOSHE is 100% secure.

Safe Ownership

The TOSHE contract is safe. The ownership is renounced.

0% Tax

There is no buy/sell tax. Feel free to buy/sell as many times as you wish.

Anti-bot Measures

Anti-bot measures were in place to prevent bots from buying a large amount at launch.


Total Supply

The total TOSHE supply is 120,000,000,000,000 (120 trillion)

Max Tx Limit

There is no max tx limit. The initial 1% limit per wallet has been removed.

Max Wallet (2.3%)

There is no maximum wallet limit. The initial 2.3% per wallet limit has been removed.

Total Tax

There is a 0% tax on each TOSHE token transaction


  • Phase 1
    Phase 1

    Project Rebranding
    Website update
    Roadmap update
    Litepaper release

  • Phase 2
    Phase 2

    Community Contests
    Listing on tracking sites
    Whitepaper release

  • Phase 3
    Phase 3

    DEX Listings
    Listing on CMC
    Listing on CG

  • Phase 4
    Phase 4

    Contract Audit
    First CEX listing
    TOSHE game
    Additional utilities

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Base Bridge?

Base Bridge enables the transfer of certain digital assets and other data back and forth between Ethereum and Base.

How can I bridge to Base Chain?

Please refer to the official Base website for more details on how to bridge: https://bridge.base.org/

What wallet can I use?

You can use popular Ethereum wallets like Coinbase Wallet, MetaMask, and Rainbow Wallet to name a few.

How do you withdraw from Base?

Please refer to the official Base website for more details on how to withdraw: https://bridge.base.org/